About Karin

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Word nerd. Super-friendly introvert. Recovering perfectionist and people pleaser (God bless my husband of over 25 years for putting up with me …). A thankful wife, mom, daughter, sister, family member and friend. Blown away at the depth of God’s love, grace and new mercies every day.

Life certainly has a way of stretching and growing us. Not a complaint – just a fact. Sometimes, I see it coming and sometimes not. Sometimes, it feels wonderful and sometimes definitely not. But, my gratitude for all of those moments keeps expanding because they make me stronger – in my spirit, in my heart.

My mom once told me, “Our physical bodies are just an outer shell. It’s the spirit – the heart of us – that matters most.” And she was so right. The promptings of our spirit guide us to speak lovingly, or not. To act kindly, or not. To genuinely seek first to understand and then to be understood, as Stephen Covey© taught – or not.

For me, writing is clarifying and cathartic. It’s certainly a helpful companion as I navigate all of life’s stretch-and-grow moments.  And some days, I get the quest right. Other days, well, … not so much.

But onward, I go.

Thanks for stopping by. My prayer is that you’ll find encouragement and hope while you’re here. If so, please comment, subscribe, and share.
