Category Archives: resilience

Still Here

Dad slipped away quietly one year ago today. And, oh, how I miss him.

I remember that day in vivid detail. The steady rain. The chill in the air. How I knew he’d passed when hospice’s number appeared on my phone screen. How I let it go to voicemail because I was taking our teen to school, and my mama heart knows when to delay hard moments.

I hesitated before calling because I knew that, after 12 days of incredibly gentle and beautiful hospice care, Dad was gone. Calling hospice would – and did – make it all real.

In that moment, I felt so many emotions. I remember feeling heavy loss and sadness, but also humbled that I would be the one to see Dad and stay with him until the funeral home arrived to help us with next steps. I remember answering the kind hospice worker’s questions, pausing ever so often to hug another staff member at the memory care home who came to say goodbye to Dad and offer condolences. I remember being comforted by staff and comforting them, too. How I stroked Dad’s snow-white hair one last time and kissed his forehead.

I miss Dad and will always miss him. Yet, I’m very, very aware that he’s also still here, with us.

He’s with me every time I cook his sweet potato pie. He’s in my kindergartener’s mischief, my teen’s mathematical graphing with perfect lines, my daughter’s creative expression. He’s in the work my sister does so beautifully on behalf of schoolkids each day. He’s in every single one of his grandchildren’s smiles.

We all had to let go of Dad’s physical presence with us. Yet, these moments remind me that he lives on in all of us. That he’s still here. And that, even in missing Dad, he’s really not far away at all.



Sooooo, is it just me, or has 2024 arrived with some sass and major attitude?

As 2023 faded away, I had high hopes that the new year would at least try to be on Santa’s Nice List for 2024. At least start out on the good foot (nod to The Godfather of Soul James Brown).

But, nope.

I’ll spare you all the details. But, let’s just say that flu, seriously ill loved ones, and sleep deprivation are just a few highlight reels this year … and we’re only 2 weeks in.

Yet, even with its bumpy start, 2024 has also found me hopeful and thankful. Growing up, I recall elders insisting that “God knows how much we can bear.” Their words meant little to me as a child. As an adult, I know their wisdom is spot-on . . . especially when it feels like life is piling a lot on us, without any signs of letting up.

Life can be hard, y’all. We know this. But, when I look back and inside and all around me, I can’t deny the blessings of God’s mercy, love, and grace in my life. They’re there, way too many moments to count. So, yes, more than anything, I am hopeful and thankful . . . even in my weariness and frustration and sadness at times.

So listen up, 2024: It’s still early. You’ve got lots of opportunities to turn yourself around. And, I’d certainly appreciate you doing so. But, even if you decide to keep running toward Santa’s Naughty List, I’ll keep running toward hope and gratitude.

P.S. Cue up this goodie* when the weight of the world gets a bit heavy.
(* I don’t own the rights to this song. It’s just a fav.)

A Fond Farewell

As 2024 peeks around the corner, the optimist in me hopes for a kinder, gentler year ahead. After all, this year arrived with its fair share of Goliath-sized mountains to climb. Only a few weeks into 2023, Dad passed away. COVID-19 flanked our family, making me so ill I missed his funeral. Friends and loved ones visited the hospital a lot this year, and some are no longer here to see 2023 end. And, when the autumn leaves began taking over our yard, a health concern found me lying on a biopsy table.

Yet, this year also brought mountaintops, blessed moments of rest and joy after navigating life’s ups and downs. Hubby and I celebrated our 25th anniversary. Our kiddos are healthy and holding their own, in and out of school. Gatherings found us surrounded by love and joy with family and friends. That health scare I had? Thank God, I’m A-okay. And just this week, Hallmark Mahogany featured my writing as a guest post.

As the youngins say, life be lifing. But, it’s still life. And, this year often reminded me that life is such an incredible gift. Understanding this is how Dad could genuinely say on Day 3 of hospice, “I’m blessed. We’re blessed.” He knew, and was forever grateful, that life itself is a blessing. And especially because he’s now flying high with Mom, I’m clinging to the wisdom in his words a little tighter as this year passes the baton to the next.

So, farewell, 2023. Even when it hurt, thank you for reminding me of how precious life is, each day. You made me climb some rugged mountains that brought me to my knees … and, you lifted me back up with mountaintop moments that brought greater peace, strength, and gratitude for God’s blessings in my life. Because of you, this is my warrior song* as I look to the new year ahead.

2024, you’ve got next.

* I do not own the rights to this song. I just adore it.

Tough Cookie (3-min. read)

Dad B in Uniform Gazing

My dad is, as one of my aunts calls it, a tough little knot. A real tough cookie.

At 85 years young, his resilience and sense of humor are fully intact. He wakes up each day happy as a clam. And that’s despite being a reluctant widower; dementia creeping its way in; and painful arthritis in a bad knee joint. Continue reading